We’re happy to congratulate Aaron Rubin on the publication of his first book: Financial Adulting – Take Control of your financial Future. Just released in March, with the help of our Service for Profit Publication Support team, this 200+ page volume is full of useful information for those just starting out on, or well along in their life financial journey.
As a California attorney, Certified Public Accountant, and Certified Financial Planner© Aaron Rubin has seen it all, and many times it’s not a pretty picture. Rubin provides practical advice about budgeting and saving, taxes, investments, insurance, and estate planning. He tells you what to avoid, what to focus on, and isn’t afraid to call out those who may not be looking out for your best interests.
Rubin also connects with readers through shared experiences. He acknowledges his own shortfalls and tells stories out of his own life (some amusing, and others cringe worthy). We all make mistakes and feel foolish at times, but it’s from these mistakes that we can learn and grow.
Adulting can be scary, particularly when it comes to our finances, but with practice (and some decent Chardonnay), you will be amazed how well you can navigate these tricky waters.
Here’s what other readers are saying:
Effective financial wisdom from a true specialist who combines his many years’ experience and expertise as a tax professional, CPA, and financial planner to give pragmatic advice to young adults. What a plus that this well-written, solution-oriented “how-to” moves easily all along its wealth-building journey. The perfect gift for graduates. And consider a copy for yourself to find some unique strategies within a worthwhile and entertaining refresher course.
—Evelyn Preston: 25 year investment professional, Author of The Money Lady, and financial columnist for Active Over 50 senior magazine
In “Financial Adulting,” Aaron Rubin provides great advice, presented with wonderful humor and sincere compassion. You might find that growing into an adult is not all bad.
—Meir Statman Glenn Klimek Professor of Finance, Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University Author of Finance for Normal People, and What Investors Really Want