FranklinCovey, a premier manufacturer of organizational productivity tools and world-class leader in business training, wanted to increase brand loyalty among its small-business customers, a traditionally strong buying segment. Service For Profit submitted a concept for a "small business network" designed to achieve this objective to FranklinCovey's retail division. We suggested that revenue could be generated not only from direct retail sales to this segment but also from fees charged to other, non-competing brands that opted to join the network. We then completed a marketing analysis of one FranklinCovey retail unit, and, based on our findings, drew up a blueprint of action plans designed to increase business volume over several product lines.
Take-away lesson: In the services business, relationships are money-even better than money: some things, you just can't buy.
"The talent of the Service for Profit team in sizing up the market and their ability to tailor a marketing solution for our demographic was terrific."
— Andrew Jeppson, District Sales Manager, FranklinCovey, Inc.
SGI targeted the Linux space and particularly Linux services as an expansion market. For its first Linux service offering, we helped SGI create an online marketing campaign aimed at the Linux technical specialist, traditionally a macho market resistant to buying services. To break through this resistance, we deployed humor. To move prospects to service purchases, we then used a multiple-touch email permission-marketing program that was stylistically in synch with our initial humor-based approach. Techies loved it! And their recommendations got their bosses to okay additional purchases.
Take-away lesson: Marketing services-like marketing anything-means communicating with customers. So do what it takes to get their attention-and hold it long enough to listen to your message.
"Tom was very helpful in defining our service marketing strategy and brough forth a lot of creative ideas, especially in the Linux services space."
— Jorge Helmer, former Senior VP of Services, SGI
(Silicon Graphics, Inc.)
The City of Palo Alto formed its IT Services Provider group in 2000 and promptly secured contracts with several nearby towns. Palo Alto asked Service For Profit to help it chart a growth strategy to scale its service business. Working with a team from the City IT department, Service For Profit suggested new services, supervised a statewide market and needs survey, and guided the creation of new fixed-priced, limited-duration services, laying the foundation for a steady and sustainable marketing program. The engagement is on going.
Take-away lesson: For Services success you must understand your customers' "pain" and perceived reputation and customize service content and delivery to satisfy your customers' needs.